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Mungga Puasa

8:32 AM
Towards the holy month of Ramadan habits in general as well as those who are rightly corrects anything what Islam has done good for one year of worship to God Almighty let alone fellow human beings, in Serang before the coming of the holy month of Ramadan habits are:
1. Cleaning is a habit is to clean the grave (Tomb) family relatives or parents who have died by way of mutual cooperation goal is to clean the cemetery if there are relatives of family or relatives who would be a grave pilgrimage comfortable and clean so that this condition is allowed to feel comfortable when pilgrimage
2. Cleaning the mosque is next to be done in mutual cooperation of all citizens so that when the Tarawih Prayers are expected to be comfortable and inviting to khusukan Muslims who will conduct prayers at the mosque
3. Lighting the Way the intention is to illuminate the path of the pilgrims or those who would do akititas prayers during the holy month of Ramadan.
4. MunggaPuasa at this stage of every citizen are usually coordinated by the respective chairman of the Neighborhood or the people who are considered elderly or elder to initiate the gathering night fellow locals. This goal is for each folder memaapkan one another if in one year may be among the citizens there are misconception that their hearts had become restless due to a dispute. For that all residents are present on the night that has been determined by RT sample forces on RT 07 RW 17 jewel attack complex has been doing it a week before the holy month of Ramadan, which was attended by nearly all heads of families, wives and children then drafted his show as follows:
i) The reading of verses from the Koran being floated by people who are good at reading the Quran;'s with Tartil and correct.
ii) Message from the RT to explain the events that defined the relationship between citizens RT 07
iii) Tausiah brief account of the importance of the Ramadan month of fasting and how they should run properly and get Ridho Allah SWT as well as a ban-ban
iv) Ruling led by a religious leader or a cleric prayer for each resident to obtain health, strength, and delegated kekhusuan ridzi abundant so expect people to be solemn and iklas in fasting.
v) Mutual bermaafan one denganlainya among their citizens so glad and sincere memafkan hugged each other and some even crying because it touched on a night that no citizens who feel self-centered and selfish.

vi) Eating together in this event the mother of the RT coordinating the cooking show for people who would be served to all citizens in this mini mala look into intimacy with each other although the cuisine is presented is very simple but almost all citizens to enjoy it while proclaiming sholawat Great Prophet Muhammad. vii) Relax Relax and confide in one another and each talked about his work and so that's a closing ceremony performed by fasting mungga RT 07 people that night. 

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